The “INES Classifier” computer program was developed by SEC NRS for scientific and technical support of the Information and Analytical Center of the Russian Regulatory Authority (Rostechnadzor).
The computer program is based on the methodology outlined in the Guidelines for users of the International Nuclear and Radiological Events Scale – INES (2008 edition) co-developed by NEA and IAEA. The INES is used for prompt and simple communication with the public on events associated with nuclear facilities in terms of their safety significance. The INES classification of events makes it possible to assess the significance level of an event that has occurred for providing instructions, warnings and relevant information to the public for emergency preparedness and response.
The “Classifier INES” computer program is designed for:
- assessment of events significance level both in general and in terms of their effect on radiation effects, physical barriers and defense in depth levels;
- minimization of the risk of human errors during determination of an events significance level based on INES methodology;
- simplifying the methods for assessing the INES level;
- reduction of human efforts and time which are required for assessments with the INES methodology;
- automatic generation of reports that contain brief information about the criteria which were used for estimation of an events significance level based on the INES methodology.
The “INES Classifier”Computer program was successfully tested at the Rostechnadzor Information and Analytical Center during emergency response drills at nuclear power plants.
In March 2019 the “INES Classifier” computer program was submitted to the Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank. To access the program please contact NEA Databank
Andrey KIRKIN,
Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS)
Источник: 2019